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Welcome to the hectic years

Hi, I'm Mindi.

And this is our Hectic Life.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


It’s almost hard to believe that another year is underway. Christmas season is over, and the bleak lonely days of January are upon us. I’m not a big fan of the first part of the New Year. I always start out with grand resolutions of being organized, less stressed, and generally happier than I was the year before. But during the dark days of winter, we can go a week without seeing the sun. When I step outside, the wind chills me to the bone. There are times that the weather breaks and I feel as if spring is just around the corner, and then I remember that it’s only January. Not only do we have weeks to go before getting reliable warm weather, but months. The lack of sunshine and warm weather has a way of dampening my spirits.

Our family had a great holiday together. There were fights of course, and tantrums and tears, but being together is always better than being apart. We had movie night by the fire, hot chocolate with whipped cream and miniature chocolate chips. Cookies covered with icing and sprinkles. We built a wooden pirate ship, went sledding at the park. Had a cookie exchange play date, and battled each other on wipeout for Wii. There were toys assembled and toys taken apart. We all slept past 8am, and woke up not to alarm clocks but the sunshine. There was a rushed trip to WV where we saw family and made it back home in time to relax and watch the ball drop on New Year’s Eve.

It’s hard for me to admit that our break is over, that the work and school schedules have started up again. That there are lunches to make and homework to get done. Gymnastics practice and competitions, and Tae Kwan Do. And that I no longer get to spend all day and night at home, leaving only when I want to.

I still have grand hopes for this year. For employing God’s grace in my parenting, for watching my children grow. For getting closer to the person that I want to be, the person who makes her dreams come true. But for now, the first week back at the daily grind, I’m going to pout about my vacation being over. And count the days until another starts up again.



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